
大寶班導師在開學前的家長會邀請每位家長有空時到班上當 “Mystery Reader”,所謂Mystery Reader顧名思義就是神祕讀者,由每位家長輪流當神秘嘉賓到教室講故事給小朋友聽。老師希望準備到教室講故事的爸媽們能保守秘密,連自家的小孩都不能洩漏,因為,以老師的多年經驗,通常越神秘的家長得到的反應會越熱烈。只不過,我不但沒有遵守老師的指示大辣辣的把這件事情告訴了我家大寶,而她更像個廣播電台一樣到處跟同學散播這項消息,好啦,這下子根本沒辦法當個稱職的嘉賓,只好認真的把故事講的精彩點,彌補一下老師的精心安排。


好啦,其實也沒那麼苦,因為來美國唸書前,教小朋友英文就是我每天的工作,只是,現在的教學對像換成英文可能都講的比我還要遛的小朋友,而且其中還有一位是自己的小孩,這樣的搭配組合其實還蠻特別的。至於要講什麼故事? 該怎麼安排活動與節慶結合? 雜亂的思緒在我腦海中盤旋了好幾天,直到理出個頭緒,我重操舊業的寫下了Lesson Plan,老師給了我30分鐘發揮,我就準備好30分鐘的表演,夠配合吧?!

Chinese New Year Storytelling

Greeting and introduce myself

Ask kids: Does anyone know what the big holiday is coming? ~Chinese New Year~
Based on the lunar calendar, the Chinese New Year is the first day of the spring, so we call Chinese New Year is “春節” which means the spring holidays. It is an important festival for family or friends to get together (like the thanksgiving dinner or Christmas party here), and we usually celebrated it for 15 days, ending with the Lantern Festival.

Book 1: Bringing in the New Year
Show kids:
*spring couplets( red is considered a lucky color in Asia, so we put the good luck sign on it and hang it to the wall or on the door to welcome in the new year).

*Special dishes for the family reunion dinner, most of them have symbolic meanings: dumpling is look like the old times money, so we eat them to mean get fortune. We also eat oranges; the sound of orange in Chinese is “”, which means good luck. Each family must have whole fish on the table, because the sound of fish “” means you always have something to spare, especially on money. (Showing the pics on the book)

*dragon dance is used for parade; have you ever seen this in China town? This dragon was awake by an eye opening ceremony, so he can see the symbolic sun and chased the sun around and around, which means we will have many nights and days.

*Gong Xi (Ask Chloe to sing with me)
Sing the song “Gong Xi” with gestures, and simply explain the meaning of the song.

Bonus: If you can say Gong Xi to me, you can get the red envelop!!

What animal did you see on the red envelop? ~Horse~
This year is the year of Horse

Book 2: The Chinese Horoscope
Do you like this story? It is funny?

Q1: What is the animal representative of this year?
Q2: Can you tell me at least 3 animals of 12 Chinese Zodiacs?
Q3: Which animal is the first winner of the contest?

Chinese Zodiac Activity Time


大合照裡站在我旁邊的那個小女生就是不肯說恭喜的那一位,不過,活動結束後她跟老師說她覺得這次的活動是這學期中最棒的一次,讓我有點摸不著頭緒。拍照時,她不斷的低頭是因為她的12生肖沒有黏緊所以一直掉,整個拍照過程她就是不斷的問 我的牛呢?” 我的猴子呢?”,噗哧!

陪著小朋友做完12生肖勞做後,老師給了我一個大大的擁抱,不斷的誇我準備的很用心,是所有Mystery Reader中最棒的一位,除了沒有幫忙保密那段不算!憑良心說,我這次的準備完全不到及格標準,因為中國新年可以含括的內容實在是太精深太有趣了,有些傳說又眾說紛紜,所以,這次我只能先簡單的介紹個大方向,等大寶明年升上Kindergarten時,我才有再進步的空間呀。而且,大寶之後還有二寶等著,我還有很多次練習的機會哩~~總之,這次任務算是完成了,收工!過年過年~~

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