通常在連續假期後,上班族都會有嚴重的Blue Monday症狀,也就是完全提不起勁做事或者就算做了事也無法正常思考之類的。但感恩節後的這禮拜一,卻有許多上班族藉由 “Cyber Monday”來提神醒腦,究竟什麼是Cyber Monday?這名詞是從2005年開始隨著網路購物逐漸普及後被廣泛使用的,Cyber指的是網路購物,Monday指的是感恩節假期之後的第一個上班日禮拜一(因感恩節是十一月的最後一個禮拜四),所以,Cyber Monday結合起來就是感恩節假期後第一個上班日的網購促銷活動,假期本來就很難跟shopping脫離關係的,呵呵。
廠商為了“照顧”到某些沒時間去搶折扣品、怕擁擠或者想專心陪伴家人的族群,特別將網路折扣日訂於假期結束後的禮拜一(網路行銷研究發現網購成交的黃金時段通常是在連續假期後的第一個星期一),大家累積了長假期的衝動與焦慮感,腦袋瓜處於不清醒的血拼模式,殺紅了眼也不在乎的狀態下最容易大買特買。而Cyber Monday推出的網路折扣絕不輸給Black Friday或是Early Bird Special,有些優惠是從Black Friday延續到星期一,有些是廠商專門為了這天設計的促銷活動,因此,Cyber Monday可說是Black Friday的延伸活動,也可說是第二波買東西的好時機。今天Cyber了嗎?快加入血拼行列吧!
"Cyber Monday" from Wikipedia:
The term Cyber Monday refers to the Monday immediately following Black Friday, the ceremonial kick-off of the holiday online shopping season in the United States between Thanksgiving Day and Christmas. Whereas Black Friday is associated with traditional brick-and-mortar stores, "Cyber Monday" symbolizes a busy day for online retailers. The premise was that consumers would return to their offices after the Black Friday weekend, making purchases online that they were not able to make in stores. Although that idea has not survived the test of time, Cyber Monday has evolved into a significant marketing event, sponsored by the National Retail Federation's Shop.org division, in which online retailers offer low prices and promotions.
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