BAYSWEATER位於倫敦一區交通超級方便走路less than 1分鐘可到 Hype park and tube station.Tube, 公車及night bus可到倫敦所有地方,若是要走路,20分中內可達soho, china town, oxford circus等倫敦市中心. 去各個旅遊景點都很方便, Notting hill 1 stops on the tube.附近也有多家超市和餐廳 (Tesco, M&S and Whitely shopping centre)所以買東西也很方便
This is a charming 1 bedroomed ground floor flat. The property comprprises reception room, open plan-kitchen, bedroom, shower room and guest cloakroom and extra toilet.
All brand new. Fully furnished. All mod cons washing machine, fridge freezer, new TV, new sofa...ect. Suitable for a couple, professionals..
Rent:350 per week 費用包含所有水電,瓦斯.

如果有興趣的人請跟我聯絡,我是他在美的broker,哈哈!!請大家告訴大家,因為如果牽線成功,我就有機會到英國免費旅行,OH YA~
3 則留言 :
我很確定 因為 我是小洞天 哇哈哈哈
Wow... thx for the comments.
Very funny ^_________^.
Good luck un your house hunting. Enjoy your weekend and I looking forward to seeing you in London.
Let me check how many visitors you have today. hehe :)P
Dear Jack,
準備回台灣過年了喔!!Bon Voyage~